On Wednesday 7th November 2018 as we approached the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice which marked the end of the Great War of 1914 -1918 the Commemorative Oak tree in Carr Lodge Park, Horbury was blessed by Father Christopher Johnson of St Peter's Church. The tree was planted the day before with the help and guidance of the "Wakefield Tree Wardens" ably assisted by members of the Phoenix Rotary Club.
This is a significant moment for The Rotary Club of Horbury and Ossett Phoenix who have worked hard to make the planting of this tree happen. Credit is due in particular to the members of the "Remembrance 2018 Team" made up of several Phoenix Rotary members headed by the Chair of the Club's Community Service Committee, Nick Bardsley. The team also includes this year's Phoenix Rotary President Alan Hudders. Nick Bardsley is seen here beside the tree after the blessing ceremony. A picture including some of the good folks of Horbury, including local Councillor Darren Byford, who braved the pouring rain to attend, will follow.
The plaque that accompanies the Comemorative Oak
The crowd that braved the rain at the Tree Blessing
Phoenix Rotary's Community Service Chairman Nick Bardsley